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Awwwards conference in London

Last week, we joined the Awwwards conference in London. It was quite an interesting and amazing experience overall! First of all, we received our copy for the Best Websites Around the World for 2016, which had 4 of our projects in it! Yes… we were pretty excited about it.

We watched some really inspiring talks from Adrian Zumbrunnen – Google, Drew Huddleston – AKQA, Vitaly Friedman – Smashing Magazine, Keiichi Matsuda – Hyper Reality Designer and Film-maker, Andrew Herzod – Google Creative Labs, Hawraf, Nick Sprinz – Ustwo, Stefanie Posavec – Data-centred designer, Aude Degrassat – Huge, Benoit Rondeux – EPIC Agency, JB Grasset – Ultranoir and Monochrome, Seb Lester – Artist and Designer and many many more.
The conference started with Keiichi Matsuda and his project (please watch!), giving us all a glimpse, or a terrifying(?) but so promising experience of what’s coming up next!

Stefanie Posavec and her dear data project was more than fascinating. We live in a world surrounded by tremendous amount of information. And every moment we make decisions on how to interact with them. There are so many ways to do it. Or, even better, draw them. That’s what she and Giorgia Lupi did. They exchanged a numerous amount of postcards with each other, communicating only with data and infographics. The project turned out to be an actual piece of art, currently acquired by the MOMA!

Jacob Nielsen said that the future of web design is bots. We couldn’t agree more! Strong context will support and lay the basis of the next level of web design, that will be strongly executed with the help of bots. And, anyway, nothing stands for long without context.
Drew Huddleston, from AKQA, talked about design and ethics. Rating people, ipads for babies… How much do all these things actually affect us? Are we “destroying” or “improving” our lives? How much is our mind affected by that? Who is responsible about the impact technology has on our society?
You guessed the answer. We are.

How about VR? According to JB Grasset, Co-founder of Ultranoir and Monochrome
VR is a tremendous opportunity to create the internet of experiences. We think that VR will be adopted by Luxury brands, because luxury is all about making people wonder and dream.
VR is all about art and experimentation. It is actually a huge asset that can offer an amazing experience to people in different places, different occasions, but yet not approachable from every person in the planet. The core audience is quite limited at the moment. But luxury brands? Yes. Totally different audience, different approach and more opportunities. Here is the chance to combine art with marketing. Think of a fashion show, or another way of travelling. You get the idea..

You don’t need to scale up your team. You need to create an environment that will support creativity. Believe in you people and level them up!
Benoit Rondeux, from the EPIC Agency talked about team and development in a team. His opinion was really close to our own values here at Interweave. We believe in our people and try to improve their skills in any possible way. Create the best environment for them an move to the next level with them.
Least but not last we show the amazing Seb Lester. Do find him on instagram and learn more about him. Besides a fantastic presenter, he is also a stunning calligrapher. Will say no more. Look him up!